Monday, January 22, 2007

Live Performance Art Group Assignment : Erasmus Darwin
On the first day back we were given an assignment by that guest lecturer Barry.We were told to split into groups of five and he then allocated each group a famous person(who was born or lived in Nottingham) on which we had 3 weeks to produce a piece of live performance art based around the life of this person.
We were assigned Erasmus Darwin(grandfather of Charles Darwin) who was a fairly good option since he was a physician,poet,botanist,philosopher and naturalist, giving us a fairly wide scope for research and ideas.
So far we have decided to use imagery representing his connection to the Lunar Society by projecting a large animated moon onto the background of our location. We have selected a church in the Lace Market as our location due to the Church of England's opposition to Darwin's theories. We are also considering using segments of Darwin's poetry during the presentation and possibly some wildlife visuals to represent his naturalist theories.Will keep posted.
Here is an example of live performance art taken from a kid's TV show called "The Slammer":

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