Thursday, November 22, 2007

Holding Pattern
After completing all the necessary preproduction work me and my 4 strong film crew began our 2 long days of filming. Although I did not find this to be most interesting of scripts (particularly as there was only one main character and no dialogue), this experience was invaluable as it was the first time I had the opportunity to properly use all the necessary filming equipment such as camera, sound and lighting, therefore learning how to set everything up correctly and understand how they work. Also working from someone elses pre-written script was a good experience as we had to be as creative as possible in terms of direction and design in order to make this film based on someone else's vision as entertaining and real to the script as possible.

I was generally happy with what we had produced considering it was our first film though after viewing other group's films there are definitely a few things I would have maybe liked to have done differently:-

1. Different types of shot for each scene.
Pretty much all our scenes consist of one long shot. I think it makes for much more interesting viewing to switch between shots now and then. For instance a close-up of the email Bogdan was typing or close-up of him ripping up his letter, or maybe even some steady-cam or panning shots.

2. More thought put into location and props.
I was generally happy with this apart from the scenes in the government office where we used a study room in the library. Although we had various props to make it look more like an office, there was still a lot missing and simply did not look convincing i.e. no telephone, computer or paperwork.

3. More sound/music
Although the mood we were going for this film was dull/depressing/mundane, I really liked how some group's had incorporated a soundtrack and extra sound effects to make viewing this no-dialogue film less tedious to watch.

4. Possibly further experimentation with effects and transitions during editing.

The highlight of our production of this film however is definitely the underwater scene. Here we went to a local swimming pool and attached our video camera inside a fish tank so that we could film underwater clearly without breaking the camera, we also used a brick inside the tank to gain efficient bouyancy to navigate the camera through the water with ease.

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