Saturday, January 19, 2008

Fiction Seminar - 'Malac' Synopsis
In this week's AV Design seminar were asked to read the short script for 'Malac' and stepping into the director's shoes produce my own interpretation of what the film will look like. So after reading and analysing the script, in which much of the action revolved around a fictional object/thing called a 'Malac', we were asked to write a synopsis for a film about a 'Malac' which included this scene. The beauty of this task was the flexibility in which we make the 'Malac' to be anything we wanted as long as it tied in with the script.
Here is my synopsis:
(Note: Malac in my film is a metaphor for committment, or a wedding ring in the particular scene).

Harry Blane is a successful smooth talking airline pilot who seems to have it all. Life is a continuous party - money,airplanes,drugs and women. However Harry is hitting his 40th birthday soon and he still has no intention whatsoever of growing up, or settling down; he has an intense fear of age and commitment, particularly marriage. However during a brief stay in the Venezuelan holiday island resort of Bonaire a run-in with a mysterious schizophrenic witchdoctor will change his life forever.

Back in his hometown of Miami, Florida things don't seem quite the same, everything and everyone in his daily life seems slightly off-key. The following day he meets a beautiful girl called Camilla and is instantly smitten. He is in love but refuses to let go of his rock n' roll lifestyle; from here Harry's entire reality is twisted beyond recognition. He seems to randomly step from one insanely surreal world to the other, each representing a scene from the deep psychosis of his mind, all seemingly triggered by his various different emotions and actions.

Is he dreaming?Is he going insane?Is he dead? or is there something more supernatural and sinister going on?Camilla seems to be the key to everything but can he learn to change his ways and stop this madness.

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