Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Stage 1: Non-Fictional Character Study Assessment
So after a successful day filming at the lake our next task was to edit over 20 minutes of decent footage down to just 3 minutes! So after spending hours working on this seemingly impossible task this was the result:

Although my group was fairly happy with what we had produced the feedback wasn't so great for a number of reasons:
  • Documentary wasn't properly structured, didn't make much sense and didn't even introduce character properly.Problems with continuity.
  • Would like to have seen more cut-away shots and photos.
  • Audio level was too low.
  • Composition in racing segment is off, the top of head is cut off screen.
  • His eyes moved about too much in diving segment, needs to focus on one interviewer.
  • We should have allocated specific jobs to each team member more seriously to allow better organisation and focus.

Overall I think the flaws of this film are due to lack of organisation and analysis. If we had been allowed to make this film as long as we pleased it would have made a lot more sense but since we had to cut it down to 3 minutes this proved extremely difficult. The best thing to do would have really been to shot it again with more planned questions to keep it within this limit. Also we would have benefited from letting the tutors have a look at it first before releasing our final version as they could have pointed out the other problems.

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