Friday, May 16, 2008

Filming issues = Alter Script
Although I was originally quite pleased with my script certain difficulties with filming have lead me to alter it slightly...

  • Unavailability of actors - Looking back now I realise that at the time of writing my script, I intended the primary source of entermainment to be the main character Barry; the film did not involve much action or mystery or tension etc. but was basically a comedy about the conflict between a violent but loveable drunk and a peaceful though schizophrenic hippy; therefore the success of the film relied on the script and fine acting rather than clever shots and effects. Although the part of Sean was easily replaceable, finding a replacement for Barry wasn't. Unfortunately my actor friend Tom (Barry) ain't the most reliable or organised of people, and after weeks of forgetting his lines and calling off filming it has come so close to the deadline that I had to drop him and play the part myself. On top of this the part of Sean has changed 3 times as well due to other priorities. I have managed to complete the first scene with me as Barry but I'm not the best of actors and my performance really doesn't have quite the same impact or character that it did when filming Tom; therefore I decided the film would need to add a something extra to the film to make it more entertaining.

  • Over-running 6 minute limit/Boring shots - My second issue was thetime limit we had been given. Even after filming the first two scenes and ruthlessly editing them the film was over 4 minutes. I also felt that many shots in scenes 2,3 and 4 were very bland and boring though crucial to the plot flow....another reason to edit the script.
  • Location/Prop issues - My first problem was with the set of Scene 2 where I needed to use an artist's bedroom and his painting as a prop. Unfortunately this room is not always available for use, plus I wasn't too sure how to make it look like I had destroyed his painting without actually damaging his work, therefore I thought it best to find an alternative solution. My second issue involved health and safety issues in scene 3 as it involved violence and carrying weapons in public places.

I have begun working on a slightly different version of the script which follows the same story but with a horror twist rather than being realistic; I am finding this a lot more enjoyable to film and am quite pleased with what I have produced.

Below are various production stills and outtake clips from my previous failed film shoots:

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