Monday, November 10, 2008

Live Client Project - Happy Go Lucky nightclub projection video
I have recently been putting a lot of thought into what to actually produce for my live client project. I had recently chosen to produce a identity promotion package for a new local jungle and dubstep music promoter in nottingham; this would involve creating flyers,posters,website,promotional video and possibly banners and backdrops to use on the night. However after speaking to Simon he advised that I focus purely on my specialised field of multimedia - audiovisual, so he suggested that I make a advert or promotional video which makes use of my area of audiovisual interest - visual special effects/video editing/postproduction. However after thinking about this I realised firstly there wasn't much scope for demonstrating my visual effects skills in depth creating a advert for a small club night as they just wouldn't suit the image of the music,the venue or the promoter; and secondly I don't a video advert would be all that much use in promoting and helping sell the night.

After talking to my client we decided that instead of producing an advert, I would create a psychadelic projection video which could be used at the Happy Go Lucky club nights to enhance the experience as well as promote it. Suddenly I'm well excited about this project, unsure as to why I never thought of this before as creating these kind of visuals used in VJing is something that I have wanted to learn about for a while but guess I just forgot. This project will much more fun to work on,will benefit the client much much more, will let me exercise my visual effects skills with After effects and Premiere as well again skills with similar programs, and generally be a greal deal more interesting to work on! Here are a couple of examples of the type of thing I intend to produce:
Drum n Bass projection visualisation video

Ambient projection visualisation video

As can be seen by the flyers above the promoter uses a frog as their identity or is 'the face of Happy Go Lucky', and I intend to build on this image as a starting point for my visualisations. Over the next few months I shall be collecting videos and imagery which relates to frogs,animals,flora and fauna among other things which represent the jungle and the music. I will also be learning more and getting to grips with various programs used to create these videos as well forming some sort of narrative and meaningful structure for the video so that it is not just a random string of clips. I am really looking forward to starting work on this.

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