Tuesday, January 20, 2009

PRP Feedback
Receiving feedback for the first part of this module last night was a bit of a kick in the balls. To be fair I really hadn't worked on my special effects research report as hard as I should have done though at the same time it was definitely not the easiest of tasks, especially considering the lack of reading material available on special effects. Here are some main points that I noted from talking to Jools today:

  • Key issues are not clearly highlighted therefore report feels repetitive and superficial - I need to define what makes a special effect effective in terms of realism. This will make it clearer as to what I am trying to achieve through creating the artefacts this term.
  • Argument would have strengthened by making reference to work of others who discuss similar issues - Was unclear as to what this meant initially as I had made some clear references to veteran special effects artists such as Tom Savini and Stan Winston and their opinion on the subject matter. This was diffiuclt to elaborate on too much due to lack of sources. It was suggested that I talk to the puppetry and effects course leader at NTU, Sean Myatt, for a more in depth opinion.
  • Very poor attendance, shows lack of professionalism - I lost considerable marks on this essay due to my lack of attendance and failing to show that I was truly engaging with the project. I was unware that this would effect my grade so severely as I probably did not read the learning outcomes properly. Fortunately I should be able to greatly improve this pulling my socks up and engaging properly with the course for the rest of the year.

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