Monday, February 12, 2007

Identities Design Board Presentation
After a fairly late start and countless hours on my computer it was great to finally get this out the way, and I was overall pleased with what I had produced.I now now have a much clearer idea of what I'm doing and started to enjoy producing work for it.Think my presentation went pretty well although I seemed to be lacking the quantity of test files of other group members.My website test file wasn't too impressive as I had just made a quick website template on MS Publisher without really putting too much thought into its actual design, although would still prefer to keep it simple as my Dreamweaver skills are still pretty sketchy.Only seemed to have one real criticism from jools and debs and this was because my website test file displayed its text in several different fonts therefore lacking continuity.Although I could see their point, I didn't really understand why it mattered at this early stage as the fonts used would be something to focus on more towards the post-production period.
Here is the powerpoint slide show I produced for the presentation:

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