Monday, February 12, 2007

Live Performance Show
Finally got this over and done with.Our performance basically consisted of a poem about Erasmus Darwin written by Sherri being read outside St. Mary's church in the Lace Market.The rest of us did some acting/mimes which related to the poem.We all dressed up in green to represent Darwin's link to naturalist theories and also used various other related props.I was worried that we would get heavy criticism from jools and dominic since our performance was only around 2 minutes long but we had a display of drawings and information to look at after the show which seemed to make up for the brief show.
We watched 3 other groups performances after which were all pretty good.It was interesting to see how differently everyone had approached this task.My favorite however was one where there were a number of dough turtles things hidden around a field outside this windmill and everyone had to search for them.The turtles had answers to questions written on the back.It felt this was good as it really engaged the audience by adding a fun interactive element to it.

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