Monday, June 11, 2007

Career Paths
After some thought I have narrowed down a list of possible careers I hope to pursuit after finishing my degree. My primary interests lie in these fields of the multimedia business:
  • Advertising
  • Making travel, wildlife or cultural documentaries
  • Making surreal, scary or gritty movies

Obviously these are just the top the list but I decided I would definitely like to work in the audio visual side of multimedia; filim is something I find enjoyable, interesting and more flexible in terms of what I can add to the industry. I feel I have fairly unique interests in life, for instance a love for underground music and 80's B-movies, aswell as reptiles and marinelife; and can think of no better way of spending my working life than creating films on topics such as these myself. Steve Irwin (R.I.P.) brought something new to wildlife documentaries, and I would hope to do the same....add something to a genre of film that has rarely been seen before.

In regards to advertising, I would love to work on promoting any type of product that I feel I can relate or use...e.g. clothes labels, videogames, holidays, toiletries, restaurants, movies, music, technology etc. via audiovisual or graphical means.

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