Sunday, June 10, 2007

End of Year Presentation
After finally finishing off my Identities package, presenting it to Jools and writing up the evaluation report; I am fairly pleased with what I have achieved and feel I have learnt a lot from working on this project.
To finish off the year, I am to deliver a presentation discussing what I have achieved throughout the year and which area of multimedia I hope to focus on next year.I have been given 5 options to choose from - Animation, Audio Visual, Games, Interactive and Web design.
Interactive and Web Design were instantly removed from the list as I have struggled with these throughout the year and don't find them nearly as interesting as the other choices, although there is probably more work available for a web designer.
Games is a pathway that I felt I would enjoy studying, however I have been told that it is considerably more difficult to grasp than the others and only those with true dedication to videogames should take this; have also only had one lecture on this and so have not seen enough to get a clear idea of whether I would enjoy this or not.
So currently I am stuck between whether to choose Animation or Audio Visual. I know for sure that I would love Audio Visual however I feel I am fairly competent with many of the programs and techniques used here already, where I could learn a lot from the Animation pathway which I would not be able to learn by myself, plus the design capabilites of this option seem imensely impressive particularly what can be produced with 3D Studio Max and Maya etc......more thought needed on this.

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