Thursday, November 22, 2007

Genre - Horror
Horror films are films of the horror genre that are designed to elicit fright, fear, terror, or horror from viewers. In horror film plots, evil forces, events, or characters, sometimes of supernatural origin, intrude into the everyday world. Horror film characters include vampires, zombies, monsters, serial killers, demons, ghosts and a range of other fear-inspiring characters.

I find horror to be one of the most fascinating genres genres of film due to the lack of boundaries allowing the film maker to really stretch the imagination and make more interesting and surreal use of story, character and art production; this shall be one of my primary focuses for the year so shall talk about this more later.

Above is my groups attempt at a typical horror scene and we are all fairly pleased with it. My main interest in this piece was the art production and decided to use Alex's large artistic graffiti covered basment as the location along with a monster/witch mask found at a local costume shop. I thought the location was fairly unique seeing that it had a kind of colourful and surreal urban feel to it yet was dark and creepy at the same time.
The most impressive aspect of this film though would have to be the audio produced on FruityLoops, it creates a nail biting and intense build up as the victim wonders through the basement before intensifying to the max as the light shines onto the monster attacking before cutting out.
Given more time I think I would like to have tried this shot using a series of different camera angles and shots other than just the first-person POV and also worked on improving the shot of the killer appearing to be more subtle and scary as in more classical horror movies such as Halloween; other than that I was pleased with the result and will look forward to working on similar projects in the future.

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